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Monthly Archives: July 2023


New York Times Advice Columnist Eases Concerns of Bride-to-Be Faced with Prenup Request by Fiancé, are They Correct?

By Birnbaum Gelfman Sharma & Arnoux, LLC |

There is no doubt that in Chicago, generally speaking, the concept of fiancé asking their soon-to-be-betrothed to sign a prenuptial agreement is thought to be off-putting. In America, typically we see prenuptial agreements as somewhat of a taboo subject for engaged couples to discuss, believing that such a conversation dampens the romance and fizzles… Read More »

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Man Stabbed in Back During Violent Child Custody Dispute in Michigan

By Birnbaum Gelfman Sharma & Arnoux, LLC |

It is likely no surprise to most Chicagoans that the issue of child custody in the context of divorce proceedings can be an incredibly heated topic. When a marriage comes to an end, if there are children born in the marriage, one of the most difficult and controversial topics that comes up in a… Read More »

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Firm News: Molly and Jonathan attended and presented at the 2023 ISFL (International Society of Family Law) World Conference

By Birnbaum Gelfman Sharma & Arnoux, LLC |

Firm attorneys, Molly and Jonathan, attended and presented at the 2023 ISFL (International Society of Family Law) World Conference. This was the 18th (Golden Jubilee) World Conference on July 12 – 15, 2023 in Antwerp, Belgium. Their presentation, “The State, The Family, and The Individual: Reproductive Rights and the Implication on Divorce” focused on… Read More »

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NBC Chicago Reports on Brittany Snow Divorce, Actress Hints She was “Blindsided” by Divorce from now ex-Husband

By Birnbaum Gelfman Sharma & Arnoux, LLC |

Not even the most successful, charismatic, and stunning celebrities are immune from getting a divorce. This week NBC Chicago reports on the seemingly somewhat unexpected turn of events that befell notable “Pitch Perfect” actress Brittany Snow. The movie star opened up about the difficult times she has had since she announced her split from… Read More »

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Gearing Up for A Chicago Divorce? Here’s What You Need to Know About Divorce Mediation vs. Divorce Litigation in Chicago

By Birnbaum Gelfman Sharma & Arnoux, LLC |

Often when we see divorces play out on the big screen or in the news, we see couples in heated court battles in front of a judge, pleading their cases and hoping for a favorable outcome. However, although explosive court battles may make for entertaining television and movies, the reality is that divorce litigation… Read More »

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Woman in Midst of Divorce Proceedings Asks Financial Times: Is Mediation Better than Going to Court in Divorce Cases?

By Birnbaum Gelfman Sharma & Arnoux, LLC |

A divorcing woman wrote into the online edition of the Financial Times this week to ask a pressing and important question: is divorce mediation more advantageous than divorce litigation? Specifically, she wrote, “My husband wants to mediate instead of going through a proper court process for our divorce on the basis it will be… Read More »

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No Hiding The Ball: 5 Special Considerations For Athletes In Chicago Divorces

By Birnbaum Gelfman Sharma & Arnoux, LLC |

Athletes are truly some of America’s most revered heroes. When we watch athletes play the sport of their passion, we often see miracles happen and impossible dreams achieved. However, off the field, athletes lead lives of their own, and they are not immune to the struggle and strife of married life. Indeed, just like… Read More »

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